Spiritual Medium and Psychic Readings With Eric
About Eric
Eric began as a "natural medium" and has memories of seeing spirited people as a child, which was sometimes frightening. He grew up in a rural area in Ohio and in a conservative Christian family that didn't foster or encourage this ability. As a teen, he was very psychic and often became the advisor of many friends in school. To him, it was just normal, and he didn't realize that others couldn't "see" life circumstances playing out in their mind as he did.
In his 30’s he began to receive what he calls “downloads” of information from the Spirit World. After validating most of this information, he knew he had something that must be shared and better understood. In 2012 he began to formally study and perfect his abilities, with local mediums and tutors.
His never-ending thirst for knowledge let him to attend a 4-day workshop in 2018 with Mavis Pittilla, a world-renowned medium and teacher based in the UK. Little did he know that this would become such a life-changing event, both personally and professionally. He remained under Mavis and her partner Jean’s wings for 5 years, developing and perfecting his mediumship further, and he has had the privilege to build a loving friendship with Mavis and Jean that has been everlasting, a friendship that he continues to cherish.
Over these past several years Eric has trained exclusively Mavis Pittilla, with a few other hand-picked individuals. He has gleaned many of Mavis’ best practices and techniques to deliver exceptional evidence and to allow the essence of the spirit communicator to be felt by audiences. Eric has worked on the platform in many of the Spiritualist Churches in the U.K. under the guidance of Mavis as well as in many galleries in the US, delivering evidence based and heart-felt communication from loved ones in the Spirit World. He has been formally certificated by Mavis Pittilla and Jean Else as an “Mavis Pittilla Authorized Teacher”, and as a mentor and teacher of the “Mavis Way”. This honor has only been awarded to a select few (12 people as of 2023) by Mavis Pittilla and Jean Else. Like Mavis, Eric believes the spirituality and reverence of this work are just as important as the mechanics, and he strives to instill the same values, ethics, integrity, and service-oriented ministry in his students.
In 2021 he began teaching mediumship and psychic development courses, that convey the spiritual essence of the work as well as the mechanics. He believes wholeheartedly that with true communication, a healing can take place in both this world and the Spirit World.
Eric continues to teach courses and mentorships from beginner to advanced, and also serves both the people in the Spirit World and here in the physical world through private mediumship sittings and evidential mediumship demonstrations. He also does psychic readings for those who wish to find guidance and hope in their lives.

A Reading With Eric
A mediumship reading is done for the purpose of providing loving support and guidance from loved ones in Spirit and spiritual guides, as well as love and healing to those in the spirit world. Yes, that's right, mediumship heals two worlds at once.
Although Eric will use all of his intuitive abilities during a spiritual mediumship or psychic reading, he will typically begin with an image or a picture, clairvoyance (seeing) is his primary sense. He is also clairaudient (hearing) and clairsentient (feeling) at times, as well as a natural intuitive and psychic. With his intentions always set for the highest good of the sitter (client), he will allow Spirit to impress upon his images, sounds, words, feelings, and sometimes even tastes and smells. As this happens, he will verbally relay the information to the client, and a story often begins to unfold. He will work to both identify the Spirit person with which contact has been made, as well as provide a message from him or her. Depending upon the length of the reading and the sitter's preferences, he may have several different spirits of the people he will work with. Many times, they all have information or guidance to provide that seems to flow around a central area or focus. Other times they just want you to know that they're okay and that they still love you. A sitter may start with a particular question about a relationship, career, family, health, education, or spiritual matters, Or they may just leave it up to Spirit to bring information on whichever topic Spirit believes is important to focus on at that time. The most important thing to remember is to be open to the love and guidance that Spirit is here to offer.